Our team has a new Umbraco Certified Master!

We've said it before and we'll say it again - Webmind loves skills development. We are very happy and proud that Ester now can call herself Umbraco Certified Master. With her new title, she will also start teaching the basics of Umbraco in training for future developers as part of the job at Webmind.

Being an Umbraco Certified Master means that a developer has the highest level of knowledge within Umbraco CMS, which requires several certificates to reach. It is a big investment in both time and money, but an important confirmation for the employee to get and also a quality stamp for us as an agency. It proves the developer has a solid knowledge within Umbraco and is able to find the most optimal ways to solve various problems and challenges and ultimately deliver the best solution to the customers. In other words, it's a really big and cool thing to be able to call yourself an Umbraco Certified Master and especially as a newly trained developer.

The certification is a requirement to be able to teach Umbraco in schools and now Ester will take over the teaching from our colleague Leon, who for several years through the Umbraco Education Program has provided courses for students at various schools in the Gothenburg area. Leon has done an absolutely fantastic job, but felt it was now time to hand over to someone else. Ester is a natural choice for the job as she is not only a good developer but also has experience of teaching from her time as a high school teacher.

It was obvious for us to invest in Ester, which has both the drive and the ambition required and also really wants to teach developers and show the possibilities with Umbraco. We see Ester as a role model for female developers, it’s incredibly fun to see her take a place as a woman in an otherwise male-dominated industry, where for example only a small proportion of Certified Masters are women. We are sure that this will go really well and we are so proud of our colleague.

Ester recently held her first course for future developers from Yrgo, here's what Ester tells about the first course she held at the beginning of May:

It's so much fun to teach again! When I first started working at Webmind, I thought my teaching days were over, and was happy to devote myself to my other passion, programming. But now I have the opportunity to combine the two and I am very happy about that. The group I met was great and even though we could not meet in real life, I think it went really well! 

- Ester Sandström

There is a shortage of developers and in Sweden alone it is estimated that there will be a shortage of 70,000 people in the tech industry until 2024, where the majority consists of various types of development (such as back-end, front-end end and DevOps). The industry has a lot to work on to attract new skills, therefore it is important for us to contribute through our involvement in schools for an increased knowledge of Umbraco and thus pave the way for new industry colleagues.

Now we wish Ester good luck!

If you want to read more about the Umbraco Education Program and Leon's latest course, you can do so here.

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