Webmind becomes an Umbraco Platinum Partner

After 10 years working with Umbraco and 5 years as an Umbraco Gold partner, we are now taking the next step. Therefore, we are very proud to say that we are now one of the first agencies in Sweden with Umbraco's highest partnership, Umbraco Platinum Partner. 

Umbraco recently presented their new partner program where they have added a level above Gold Partner. We felt that becoming a Platinum Partner was a natural next step for us to reach our goal of becoming Sweden's best Umbraco agency. 

This partnership means a lot to us. Over the years, we have had and will continue to have close collaboration with Umbraco, which is an advantage for us, but above all for our customers. As a Platinum Partner, it is also imporntant for us to actively contribute to the Umbraco community by sharing our expertise, developing software packages and participating in various events and conferences. This is what is closest to our hearts, to promote the growth and future development of Umbraco in various ways. 

We have invested wholeheartedly in Umbraco and we intend to continue to do so. Taking the step to the new Platinum Partner level is therefore the logical step for us. This means that we are investing more in Umbraco's lifecycle and that we will get more back the more we invest. We think this is a win for both the agency, our clients and the entire Umbraco ecosystem. 
- Jens Josefsson CEO 
Please read more here about the advantages of working with an Umbraco Partner

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